Friday 13 April 2012

Woohoo it's the weekend

Phew made it through another week, and here it is Friday already and I am heading off to meet Jessie-Lou at the gym, well I have to start the weekend with good intentions! There will be a big glass of wine consumed tonight preferably a very smooth red while I sketch out some more bag designs........... 18 bags made another 12 to go before the Barboot sale at Crouch End.

This weekend I am catching up with a friend who had twin boys in January, they are too gorgeous for words and I can't wait for my cuddle with them, and the great bit is I get to give them back, ha ha wait until the teenage years is all I say!!

I am meeting other friends at a country pub for Sunday lunch for another of the kids birthdays, they are all back from uni now for the hols so we are having plenty of time to catch up on all the university shenanigans!!

I may even make it down to my favorite Seaside town, Whitstable is only a 20 minute drive from us and it is gorgeous especially the sunsets we get across the water, sitting on the beach watching the sun go down is one of my favorite passtimes. You can see why from my photo:

Then it is back to the bags and getting ready for my working week ahead. I am travelling a bit next week but only short distances and looking forward to some Culture in Cambridge and the Marvels of Maidstone! And I am back to Birkbeck University for the start of my Politics Module, that should keep me out of mischief! I had completely forgotten that my next module started in April, well that was until last week when my course reading thudded onto the doormat, just a little light reading for me on Political Ideology, Political Change....I thought this would be a good idea at the time but now I am having some serious doubts about it all. If I get stuck I will eat Maltesers they got me through my Business Studies module! 

Anyway have a good Friday night enjoy it with style, don't fall down in the street and stay safe.


Row x x

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