Tuesday 1 May 2012

Music to Drive to this summer

I came across this music as the result of a conversation by the coffee machine at work, my colleague D told me that her husband was really into music and and he also wrote and composed and he has some interesting new tracks out...... well I listened and I Loved.......this is serioulsy good driving music.

I have a very diverse range that I like from Prodigy, Killers, to Lady Antebellum and dare I say my secret Vice is Barbara S, yes ok I know but I can have a good old sing along!!

click the link below and have a sneaky peek, I love Kalabash.

I asked D for the low down on said hubby and here is what she told me:

Born in Australia, Aeon has been playing music for as long as he can remember.

As a resident at Psycle, he progressed from DJ to producer to live artist, and released his debut album 'Orthodoxy' (Relativity Records, 2004). Amongst a sea of misplaced patch cables and sweaty hippies, he played at events such as Baraka, The Synergy Project, Psychedelic Circle, Sunrise Festival, Glade, and Distant Tremor.

Aeon's emphasis on live performance, including electric violin and live synths, has shaped the sound of his new studio material which reflects a deeper change in his music. His latest release on Distant Tremor combines a psychedelic mix of shimmering synths, subtle warm sounds and floating melodic lines with a twist of metallic dissonance.

Happy listening

Love Row x

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