Wednesday 25 April 2012

Study Techniques!

for some reason I had this really good idea last year that I needed to do more studying which is how I come to find myself studying Politics at Birkbeck university - every Thursday night from now until July 5th. Why oh why did I think this would enhance my learning, Liberalism, Conservatism and Ideology..... what I have realised is that in a lot of years we don't seem to have covered much ground with this political malarkey!!

I find studying really means I suddenly have very clean rooms, my ironing is all done (yes even the summer clothes under the bed have been ironed) bags need to be made and a car that is the cleanest it's ever been anything to get out of homework and studying, and for gods sake this is my choice no-one has said I have to do this so why have a reverted back to my student habits!!

I am sure that once I get going on my first assignment, a presentation on a topic to be chosen - I can't decide on Devolution or Woman in Politcs, I am counting on my lovely friend H in Scotland to come up with some ideas on the devolution idea and then I can research a special woman in politics (and no it won't be Maggie!) and make what I hope will be an informed choice (the easiest one) for my presentation.

If you are studying out there let me know how your doing and your secrets to being focused on your assignments, now I have to go to clean the skirting boards.......

Love Row x

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