Tuesday 1 May 2012

Curiosities of London

Curiosities of London is a website where you can find fabulous vintage jewellery, definitely somewhere to get that unique something special from one of your favourite eras.

I asked Nicky B the owner and creator of the website, how she came about creating this world of gorgeousness!

What inspired you to create your business?

My Mum has always had a lot of antique jewellery which has been left to her by various relatives. I always really liked it but couldn’t really wear anything because of its worth both financially and sentimentally. I decided to search online to find similar costume vintage jewellery and found it difficult to find anything. I felt if I liked costume vintage jewellery, then there must be other people out there who felt the same as me and Curiosities of London was born!

1960's necklace (one of my personal favorites)

Where do you source your jewellery from?

Here, there and everywhere. Since I set up my business, I’ve learnt how to date an item and that comes in useful when I’m sourcing items. Charity shops are my best friends! I find it better to look outside of London and so try to do a buying run whenever I’m up North.
1950's goldtone and pearl brooch
What is the most interesting piece of jewellery with the best story you have come across?

I don’t tend to know the stories behind individual items but I like to find out the history of the period. For example, costume jewellery really came into its own following the Wall Street crash and the unsettling political situation in Europe in the mid 30s. Refugees moved to America – many of whom had been fine jewellers bringing their skills and talent to costume jewellery given there was little demand for more precious pieces. I find the social significance behind trends really interesting.

Have you any famous customers that you know of?

Nanny Pat from TOWIE has a brooch. And a lady who played Terry’s wife Sue in Brookside (for those the right age to remember!) has two rings.

Where will your table be at the Barboot sale?

My table will be at Rhoda, Park Road, Crouch End, N8.

This is just a little taster of some of the pieces Curiosities of London has in store, come and see first hand all the delights this friday at the Crouch End Barboot sale or visit Nicky's website for some really gorgeous pieces of jewellery that you know will be unique.

happy shopping

Love Row x

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