Wednesday 4 April 2012

No Snow in Guernsey!

I had the choice last week of a meeting in Glasgow or a meeting in Guernsey, I am so glad that the Guernsey meeting was the priority! So yesterday after a very successful meeting I was able to take in the spectacular views from the terrace  of the Bon Port Hotel in the sun rather than in the snow as I would have been had I gone to Scotland, no thermals for me today!

Did you know Guernsey is only 7 miles long and 4 miles wide, but so enchantingly pretty, a little like the Cotswold's with French road signs, a great place for a meeting that felt like a mini holiday.... I am usually trekking to North Yorkshire or Staffordshire which on our rail system at times is not like a mini holiday but a full blown adventure.

Back in Kent now to deal with the pile of emails that need attention, meetings to set up and data to collect, reports to write just a usual day in my office. ........Well that was the plan until technology conspired against me and I could not log onto the office through Citrix, it locked me out shut me down and in the end there was nothing to do but go and make coffee and eat cake.......... luckily it was my daughter Jessie-Lou's  birthday last week so I have a plentiful supply of cake and goodies to eat while the IT team sort out the error. By 10.00 it was all sorted and I am feeling sick from all that cake!

I talked to my lovely friend and colleague in Scotland who has not held it against me that I sloped off to Guernsey instead of going to Stirling with her. I caught up on all her news, she has a new puppy so lots of ah factor. Then it was back to to tackle the backlog of emails that happens when I have a day away.

Now the work day is over it is onto my next job, and the one I love the most, making my bags, Crouch End have a fabulous market on the first Friday of the month and I am going to be selling my bags there, I have a target of 30 bags to make for the Barboot sale on the 4 May, so in between travelling to meetings I am sewing like a mad woman, I am the crazy lady on the train/coach/plane sewing on sequins say hi if you see me!!

Well I must sign off now sequins to sew, designs to make, and soon it's the weekend and a party to look forward to, drinks and dinner with 'the crowd', we have been friends since we were 18 and now our kids are friends to, so we have amazing get togethers in fact we have bought a marquee so that in the summer we have some real rave parties, you are never too old to dance like crazy people.


Row x

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