Saturday 19 May 2012

Essay, Essay, Essay!!!

I have not been blogging for some time now, this is because I have finally had to seriously knuckle down to my studies and have been in the middle of some serious research.

I have 3 assignments to do, one of which is a presentation that is due on Thursday 24 May. This is all done now and is ready to roll! I have chosen to research the first female MP to take up her seat in the house of commons, the lady in question was just that Lady Nancy Astor. The research was really fascinating and looking into the barriers and prejudices she had to overcome was pretty amazing. She was one hell of a woman!

I now have another two essays to write and these are proving quite tiresome........... I now know a fair bit about neo-liberalism and social democracy - in my opinion there should just be a meld (good word that) of both!!

Because of these two essays I have been very neglectful of my blog.

I will be back to full blogging and bag making strength soon (the Barboot fair had to be cancelled because of bad weather) so I am hoping to take my bags there on Friday 1 June for the next sale.I have attached some photos for you all to see of the next batch of my creativity, I hope you like them:

Well I am signing off now.... going to give myself a little tlc of some deep facial cleansing and a face mask, tomorrow I will be back in front of my PC finishing another assignment and then hope to be back to blogging for a bit before the final big assignment at the end of June.

Lots of Love

Row  x x

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