Friday 20 April 2012

Bringing out my inner Essex Girl

This blog is a little late it has been a very crazy week at work... I won't bore you with the details, just suffice to say technology again conspired against me and has made every task I do take ten times as long as it should!

I visited my friend and her twins last saturday which was fab, she lives in Loughton so I was hobnobbing it with the best of Essex.

We went into Jessica's little lingerie shop which was filled with some gorgeous and very cute bikinis and some pretty saucy undies to. Next stop was Lydia's shop Bella Sorrella wow some very very gorgeous clothes in there and her mum was signing autographs and having photos taken it is such a weird phenomemon this Essex thing!! The town was filled with very gorgeous and tanned people, there are no two ways about it there are some amazing looking people here.

I had lunch with L,J and T and then headed back to what seem like quite drab Kent in comparison to the flamboyant Loughton!

I am off to buy some fake tan definitely need to have a summer look.

I will be back soon with my findings for the best on the summer glow, spending the weekend with my godmum going down the coast and other some news on the bags -  21 made only 9 more to go!


Row x

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