Monday 23 April 2012

Train Manners!

Ok now I am going to have a moan,  I commute to London and travel a lot with my job, in fact I am on the way to Worcester today for a meeting.
So my question is to the male popultation....... why do you feel it is ok NOT to have good personal hygiene in the mornings - at what point did you think not cleaning your teeth and washing was a good idea! AND why do you think it is ok to sit with your legs open so you are rubbing my leg, and I don't believe for one moment it is because your balls are so big you can't put your legs together!!! AND why is it ok to stick your newspaper across my book!!!! KEEP in your personal space and please wash and even brush your hair, it's radical I know but so much nicer to look at. Like the Hugo Boss man (not really, but he looks like he has just stepped out of a Hugo Boss advert) now there is a guy who knows how to groom, it could be because he also has a fabulously gorgeous girlfriend so she keeps in him his good habits!
it's not only you guys who like a bit of eye candy in the morning you know so next time you are about to leave the house check your teeth, brush your hair and give your yourself a spritz with after shave you may get some suprising results.

let me know if you have any travel moans about bad manners on your trains!!

Love Row x

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